A previous will made the foundation her primary beneficiary. 此前一份遗嘱则指定基金会成为主要受益人。
So the primary way to leave money to an animal is to set the money aside in a trust structure and ask a beneficiary who receives the grant to care for the animal. 因此,把钱留给动物的主要方式是把它放在一只遗产信托中,请一位获得批准的受益人来照料动物。
Middling sort was the primary beneficiary, which perfected the social structure. And the authority of the common law was confirmed further, which laid a foundation for the society governed by law. 在律师执业和参政过程中,中等阶层成为主要受益者,普通法的权威得到进一步的巩固,这有助于英国社会结构的改善,并为法治社会的建立奠定了基础。
In this revolution, the securities industry which uses the information technology earliest and broadest is the primary driving force as well as the first beneficiary because of its 'special advantages. 最早和最广泛采用信息技术的证券业以其独有的优势成为这场革命首当其冲的受益者和理所当然的推动者。